Friday, February 28, 2014

News from Lykke Li

Lykke Li has announced that she will release a new album "I never learn" on the may 5th (2014) and that it would be tha last piece in the trilogy of "Youth Novels" and "Wounded rhymes". She has released one song from the forthcoming album carrying the same title name. The new song sounds good with the guitar following trough the song and then the strings coming along and elevating the song. After listening this one I'm definitely looking forward for the new album! I'm just hoping that Lykke Li will not wallow in the sad moody atmosphere throught the whole album.

Lykke Li - "I never learn"

She has also made a song with David Lynch called "I'm waiting here". In the video a car is driving trough an empty road. Song is slow and has the well known style Lykke Li vocals, but somehow it gets bit cheesy with this video, would have maybe needed some more rawness into it.

Lykke Li & David Lynch - "I'm waiting here"

Thursday, February 27, 2014

New releases

Browsed trough some new releases and found some cool stuff. One of my favorite techno artist Kangding Ray aka. David Letellier has released a new album called "Solens Arc". Kangding Ray makes dark and grim techno which will crunch your ears and is the best listened in a big space loud.

Just after quick browse trought the album I have to admit I was bit dissapointed, was waiting something more daring from him. Now the album seems to stay in one spot and doesn't move along. Though the opening track "Serentipity March" is a great track that leads you into a slow overpowering beat. "Amber decay" is just pure extacy for your ears from the beginning till the end! I love how crunchy this artist makes all the beats and the bass.

Check the songs from Bleep: Ray - Solens Arc

Juke is something new still to me, haven't listened really to it before. But checking out Addison Groove - "Presents Jamie Grieve" is totally worth doing! The quick tempo and cool vocals make the album great to dance to. I would totally imagine this album played around three o' clock in the night. Check the songs "Warped", "One fall" and "Malus" which is a kinda breathing break in the album. I have always bit trouble with the vocals in electronic music and I'm very very picky if I like them or hate them. In this album the vocals still stay quit cool and don't become the sugary and boring uuhs and oohs. But well if it's ghetto house you can expect that too..

Addison Groove - "Bad things"

Here's bit info about juke from our all knowing Wikipedia:

Tribal music is also quite new for me. But I think DrumTalk could be a nice way to introduce people to tribal style techno. The album "Time" has two tracks "Time" and "Magnetic". These both tracks would be good tracks for a beginning to get people on the dance floor because of the catchy drum lines.

DrumTalk - From the Boiler room

The next artist I would describe as crazy catchy arcade/space shit, as in a good way!
Bass Clef has a new album out called "Bugbranded". First time ever listening to this artist and must say it's cool, hard to listen perhaps but still catchy. I could listen endlessly the beginning beats of "Sometimes the only way out is to go". "Faster than the speed of love" has a arcade vibe into it, but it takes it into a new level instead of staying in the bleeps and cracks.

Check the album here:

Bass Clef

Rainer Veil does bit Burial inspired music, the album "New Brutalism" sounds like the chilled out version of Burial. Check out the songs "UK will not survive" and "Strangers".  Check out the great live set from the Boiler room under here:

Rainer Veil

SoundCloud of Veil:

Thursday, February 20, 2014


It is a long time since I wrote here last time. I have not abandoned the blog and will not. The year changed, my laptop crashed, moved into a new place, been to concerts and club nights. Heard new good music and some bad too.

Some of the things that come first into my mind are the new or debut albums from Moby - "The Innocents" in which he is returning back into his older style but in a very good way. There were some songs from the album that definitely stuck with me since hearing for the first time, like "Perfect life" and "Lonely night" and the great vocals of Inyang Bassey.

Moby - "Perfect life"

Moby - "Lonely night"

The third album if I now remember right from Planningtorock called "All love's legal". The songs "Misogny drop dead" and "Patriachy over and out" were the first one I heard, might have a oppoturnity to go to see her gig soon. Was at one club evening where she was DJ'ing and got to say that she's good also as a dj! We wil for sure hear more from this artist!

Planningtorock - "Patriarchy over and out"

The debut album from the New Zealander Lorde "Pure heroine" became a huge thing all over. This 17-year old girl has a talent and we will for sure also hear from her later more. Her debut album is a very strong one and bringing some new fresh ideas. It's not r'n'b but it's not either just pop. And what shines trough the whole album is the great vocals, like in the big hit "Royals".

Lorde - "Royals"

Also got bit stuck with one great tune from Colleen, who's work I'm only bit familiar. On the first litening I didn't like it so much but when I found this song it was done, I love this song, how soothing it is while still being not so friendly. It was from this contortion video of Samatha Halas that I picked the song from.

Colleen - "Petit Fleur"

The XX came also with a new album "Coexist" which turned out to be great training music. I still love the guitar, bass and vocals in it but somehow i get the feeling how long this band can ride on the same wave? It doesn't take anything away from the new album but in the future I'm interested into which way they will go.

The XX - "Coexist preview"

Florence and the machine is also working on their third studio album and will be very exciting to see how it will turn out. Will they go for the more pop side or for the electronic side? We'll see!